White Collar Canine
P.O. Box 1531 ♦ Highland, MI 48357
248.249.3334 ♦ gary@whitecollarcanine.com
White Collar Canine, (WCC), is a longstanding leader in the K-9 explosives detection field with an extensive history of excellence and experience in the deployment of K-9 explosives detection teams. To date, White Collar Canine has conducted over 1,500 explosives detection sweeps for events. White Collar Canine has been conducting large venue explosives sweeps since 2010, and explosives sweeps for international events since 2015.
Explosives sweeps, such as the Pontiac Silverdome (capacity 89,250) or international events such as the North American International Auto Show (attendance over 800,000), require a level of experience and training that few K-9 explosives detection companies possess.