White Collar Canine Facility
White Collar Canine's 38,000 square foot Brighton Training Center is the ideal training location for all levels and areas of canine training. The training center is designed for classroom use, introductory and advanced explosive and narcotics detection, and advanced tactical training.
The outdoor training grounds are also diversified with large paved areas, grassy fields, and a small body of water, the perfect area to meet the training requirements of any account.
Being within walking distance of the downtown district canines can also be exposed to large volumes of persons and animals while continuing with advanced training.
Personal protection (Family Service) canines also benefit from the diverse exposure at the training center.
White Collar Canine welcomes the opportunity to give private demonstrations at our training center to those interested.
Private academies and weekly training sessions are held at the center with specialized training designed to meet the needs of the individual corporate account.